Cary Hill Sculpture Park
The rural landscape of Salem Art Works sprawls an impressive 119.4 acres, hosting a rotating roster of sculptures by regional, national, and international artists throughout the Cary Hill Sculpture Park. The park is an active vignette promoting a wide array of performances, events, and exhibitions. Artists live and work in the Sculpture Park providing a unique experience fully immersing themselves within the landscape. The public is invited to experience Cary Hill Sculpture Park at their own pace from dawn to dusk. The Cary Hill Sculpture Park is accessible by car and truck to conveniently make the climb to the top of the hill and enjoy the vast horizon.

Park Rules and Regulations
Speed limit is 10 mph.
Vehicles are not permitted to go off designated roads.
No climbing on sculptures.
No hunting or trapping allowed on property.
No underage drinking or drugs.
No dirt bikes or 4-wheelers allowed.
Adults must accompany children at all times.
Pets must be on leashes.
Overnight camping must be approved by the SAW Office, contact us at (518) 854-7674.
Please take all trash and recycling with you.
Fire Pit
For fire-related emergencies call Salem Fire Dispatch:(518)746-2129
For other emergencies please call 911
To have a bonfire on the hill please call our office at (518) 854-7674. You must also call Fire Dispatch BEFORE and AFTER the fire at (518)746-2129.
Fires are only allowed WITHIN the provided stone and concrete fire ring. Any fires created outside of these rings is not allowed.
Bring your own fire wood. Gathering, cutting or scavenging of firewood or kindling is not permitted in the park. Locally grown firewood is best.
Fires must be extinguished with WATER ONLY. Bring your own water.
Take in. Take Out. Refuse must be removed from the park. Trash and recycling bin are provided at the top, please use respectfully.
Fires must be attended at all times by someone 18 year of age or older.
Any violation of these rules will result in a immediate removal from the property. Violators may be subject to a ban from Salem Art Works property or have charges pressed against them.